
CV: Python backend developer

Python Backend developer Dastan Abdrakhmanov

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University of London International programs

Sept 2015 - June 2017

Bachelor of Information Systems and Management (completed 1/3 of the degree)

  • Courses: Introduction to Information Systems, Introduction to computer systems architecture and programming (using Java), Human Geography, Business and Management in Global Context
Rice University

May 2014 - December 2014

Fundamentals of Computing Specialization (Coursera)

  • Courses: Algorithmic Thinking, Principles of Computing, An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python


  • Languages: Python, Javascript, Typescript
  • Technologies: Django, Django Rest Framework, Flask, FastAPI, PostgreSQL, Bash, Git, Docker, Linux, Redis, RabbitMQ, Nginx, Caddy server

Professional Experience


Mentor – Python backend development course

Remote, July 2020 –

  • Teach students how to code in Python
  • Host webinars on such topics as: Test-driven development, REST API design, Docker deployment.

(Python, Django, Django REST Framework, Docker, PostgreSQL, Bash, Git, Nginx)


Code reviewer – Python backend development course

Remote, May 2020 –

  • Review students’ course work – ensure it follows PEP8 code conventions, Django coding style and python best-practices are followed.
  • Develop reference course projects, which are used by other reviewers, examples: Bot for Telegram and Heroku PAAS; Django REST Framework CRUD applications; solutions for Algorithms and Data Structures problems, such as In-place Quick search, Deque etc.

(Python, Django, Django Rest Framework, Docker, PostgreSQL, Bash, Git, Nginx)

Qara Production

Fullstack developer – Contract

Remote, May 2020 – Nov 2021

  • Developed a website from scratch to showcase company’s videos and directors.
  • Website is fully responsible and is more than 90% optimized for web and mobile devices, according to Google PageSpeed insights.
  • Frontend uses ES6 JavaScript, backend uses Django Wagtail CMS.

(Python, Django, Wagtail, JavaScript, Docker, PostgreSQL, Nginx)

TopKids OU

Fullstack developer – Contract

Remote, Dec 2020 – Mar 2020

  • Developed an ecommerce website for Estonian startup.
  • Integrated it with Stripe payment system.

(Python, Django, Wagtail, JavaScript, Docker, PostgreSQL, Nginx, Stripe)

University Synergy

Fullstack developer – Contract

Remote, Mar 2019 – Apr 2019

  • Designed and implemented a student testing platform, that allowed Kazakhstan’s branch to select best candidates for their Bachelor courses.

(Python, Django, JavaScript, Nginx, PostgreSQL)

Winners Academy

Fullstack developer – Contract

Almaty, Kazakhstan, Feb 2019 – Mar 2019

  • Built a website for an event in Almaty, where clients could buy electronic tickets and pay for them online.
  • Designed a system for referral marketing, so that event organizers could see who invited a particular guest.
  • Integrated the website with Airtable CRM and Paybox.Money payment provider via API.
  • Built ticket registration system, which allowed organizers to scan QR codes on clients’ electronic tickets and let them into the event.

(Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Nginx, JavaScript)

Fullstack developer, mountain guilde – Owner

Almaty, Kazakhstan, Aug 2018 – Mar 2020

  • Migrated website from Wordpress and MySQL to Django Wagtail CMS and PostgreSQL.
  • Developed tour-booking system and integrated it with Airtable CRM.
  • Organized mountain tours and ascents for more than 100 clients from Kazakhstan, Russia, Belgium, Australia.

(Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Wagtail, Nginx, JavaScript)

Winners Academy

Soft skills mentor – Kazakhstan branch

Almaty, Kazakhstan, Sep 2017 – Nov 2019

  • Taught people public speaking, negotiations, creativity.
  • Developed website to promote events and get more clients, integrated it with Airtable CRM.
  • Organized marketing campaigns on Facebook and Instagram, which attracted more than 1000 clients.

(Soft skills, Airtable CRM, HTML, CSS, JavaScript)


Fullstack developer – ecommerce team

Almaty, Kazakhstan, Feb 2016 – Jun 2017

  • Managed a remote team of Python developers to deliver a multi-tenant ecommerce website.
  • Supported and developed further the ecommerce website: integrated it with Paybox.Money payment system, RetailCRM CRM system;

(Python, Django, JavaScript, uWSGI, PostgreSQL, Nginx)